Week 2-Group meeting

Our team had a meeting after discussing some detailed problems and expressing our concerns about the project with our academic advisor. 

The things we have covered

Tp 4056 is a chip that prevent the battery pack from being over-charged as it could automatically shut down once the voltage across the battery pack reach the maximum charging value of 4.2V. Red light indicates that it is being charged and blue light would appear when finished. 

Tp4056 is easy to get overheated as we found out last week when experimenting with the circuits. We later discovered a possible reason that caused it could be because the input current has exceeded the required maximum current for tp4056. For maximum 1A, we have put it into work with 2.2A input.

Figure 1: TP4056

During this group meeting, we recognized several more components we would like to order, including the toggle switches that are used to separate the circuit in case the battery would be charged and discharged at the same time. Which could lead to serious damage to both the battery and the tp4056 chip.

                                                                                         Figure 2: Toggle switch

After the research done by Giles throughout the weekend, he discovered we would require a higher output given by the battery packs. As a result, we have decided to increase the power pack we use into two. Ideally, it would then provide us with a 7.4V voltage output. Closer to the voltage we aim at, and therefore would be of help in constructing an amplifier circuit. 




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